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Show Canarelli The Love

Canarelli's "Show me the Love" fundraiser is LIVE. Our goal is to raise $30,000 this month to support our school wide incentives for students. Can you help us get closer to our goal?


Please take the time to show Canarelli some love and donate today! You can donate directly at this link:



Please make sure to add your student's name and advisory teacher, so they can get credit and their prizes!


Funds raised from Canarelli's "Show Canarelli the Love" fundraiser will go directly to support our student programs. Our Colt Character Breakfast, ColtCoin redemption prizes, Advisory celebrations and all student incentives come directly from this fund. Canarelli is going to apply funds raised from "Show Canarelli the Love" to expand our game room offerings and provide an outside patio game room for lunches. Canarelli is asking for each student to raise just $20. If each student raises $20, we will reach our goal and get to have fun in the process.


"Double the Love" Prize Levels



$20- Popsicles/Takis/Chips and a Patio pass during lunch

$40- Movie and Popcorn in the Gym

$60- Game Room Ticket

$80 Food Truck Treat

*Advisory Donut party for 100% participation!


We appreciate your support as we continue to plan for a positive school experience for all of our Colt students.


Thank you,

Canarelli Administration

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